Sarah McRae Morton
Moreaux Flight, 2024
Oil on linen
60" x 40"
Sarah McRae Morton
The Lost Journals of the Hunt for the Yellow Legged Caribou, 2017
Oil on canvas
19-1/2" x 19-1/2"
Sarah McRae Morton
Milhollands Contrary Ice Cutter, 2023
Lavender oil on linen
60" x 40"
Sarah McRae Morton
Vermeer's Saints' Veneer, 2023
Lavender oil on linen
60" x 36"
Sarah McRae Morton
The Infinite End of the Season - After chase, Escher, Millet, Homer and unknown sculptor, 2023
Lavender oil on linen
33" x 33"
Sarah McRae Morton
The Common and The Good, 2023
Lavender oil on linen
60" x 40"
Sarah McRae Morton
The Beaver and Yeyette's Osprey, 2023
Lavender oil on linen
60" x 60"
Sarah McRae Morton
Mashed Potatoes, 2023
Lavender oil on linen
60" x 60"
Sarah McRae Morton
Hatter of Hawthorn, 2023
Lavender oil on linen
60" x 60"
Sarah McRae Morton
Good Night Sun - Benjamin's West Stable, 2023
Lavender oil on linen
60" x 40"
Sarah McRae Morton
Go Tell Bastet - Uccello's Confection, 2023
Lavender oil on linen
33" x 33"
Sarah McRae Morton
Eyelashes of the Beholder, 2023
Lavender oil on linen
24" x 24"
Sarah McRae Morton
Beatrix's Ark, 2023
Lavender oil on linen
16" x 16"
Sarah McRae Morton
Aristotle's Snow Day, 2023
Lavender oil on linen
24" x 24"
Sarah McRae Morton
Black Cat, Blush Herring, 2023
Oil on wood
16" x 16"
Sarah McRae Morton
Swan Upping, Loon Landing, 2023
Lavender oil on linen
44" x 24"
Sarah McRae Morton
The Toast and the Jam, and the Jelly of the Grail, 2023
Lavender oil on linen
50" x 84"
Sarah McRae Morton
Bonheur's Bonfire, 2023
Lavender oil on linen
16" x 16"
Sarah McRae Morton
Wassailed, after Edna St. Vincent Millay's Pear Tree, 2023
Lavender oil on linen
24" x 24"
Sarah McRae Morton
Salt, Ice and Honey, Monet and Millay's Kitchen, 2023
Lavender oil on linen
33" x 33"
Sarah McRae Morton
Fulton Locket, 2022
Oil on canvas
41-3/4" x 58"
Sarah McRae Morton
Iris, 2022
Oil on wood
30” x 20” (left), 30” x 30” (center), 30” x 20” (right)
Sarah McRae Morton
Coronation, 2020
Oil on linen
76" x 76"
Sarah McRae Morton
Oil on linen
60" x 40"
Sarah McRae Morton
Pied Beauty- All Trades, their gear, tackle, and trim - after Gerard Manley Hopkins, 2021
Oil on linen
60" x 40"
Sarah McRae Morton
Mast Year, 2021
Oil on linen
60" x 60"
Sarah McRae Morton
Ballantine, 2021
Oil on linen
36" x 36"
Sarah McRae Morton
Albatross Upping
Oil on linen
30" x 40"
Sarah McRae Morton
Flight Jacket, 2021
Oil on wood
18" x 18"
Sarah McRae Morton
Abracadabra, 2021
Oil on linen
36" x 36"
Sarah McRae Morton
Four Leaved Cover, 2021
Oil on linen
60" x 60"
Sarah McRae Morton
Vanishing Point after Hunt by Night by Ucello, 2021
Oil on linen
33" x 33"
Sarah McRae Morton
Pannage and Scratch Cake, 2021
Oil on linen
60" x 48"
Sarah McRae Morton
Gait of Golden Age and Cobalt Page and Tin Wound Tricks, 2021
Oil on linen
36" x 36"
Sarah McRae Morton
Simple Gifts, 2021
Oil on linen
24" x 36"
Sarah McRae Morton
The Thread of Semper Augustus
Oil on canvas
74" x 120"
Sarah McRae Morton
Oil on linen
60" x 72"
Sarah McRae Morton
Laika in the Stars
Oil on panel
18" x 18"
Sarah McRae Morton
Napoleon's Boots, The Falconer's Bells, and Gingersnap
Oil on linen
40" x 60"
Sarah McRae Morton
Ode to Joy, Deviled Eggs and Angel Food
Oil on linen
60" x 60"
Sarah McRae Morton
The Half Life of Luck, Frank Morley Fletcher Twist Morton in the Clover
Oil on linen
60" x 60"
Sarah McRae Morton
Wicket in Rembrandt's Yard
Oil on linen
33" x 33"
Sarah McRae Morton
Oil on linen
36" x 36"
Sarah McRae Morton
Another Dissent
Oil on linen
33" x 33"
Sarah McRae Morton
Paul Holmes and the Last Great Blue Bear
Oil on linen
74h x 64w in
Sarah McRae Morton
Souvenirs from the Edge of the World
Oil on canvas
19 1/2h x 19 1/2w in
Sarah McRae Morton
Right to the Edge of the World
Oil on linen
76h x 108w in
Sarah McRae Morton
The Arc
Oil on linen
31 1/2h x 31 1/2w in
Sarah McRae Morton
The Keeper
Oil on linen
40h x 60w in
Sarah McRae Morton
Washington’s Mare Crossing Washington Crossing while Goya’s Hound Crosses Heart
Oil on linen
70h x 76w in
Sarah McRae Morton
Van Fleet Fire
Oil on linen
76h x 108w in
Sarah McRae Morton
Quinn’s Iron Horse and the Rose Strewn Course on the Battlefield of Paint Creek
Oil on linen
36-1/2h x 48w in
Sarah McRae Morton
Wading by Embers of Burnt Maps
Oil on linen
31 1/2h x 31 1/2w in
Sarah McRae Morton's exhibition, The Ghost of a Flea, is currently on view at Red Raven Art Company in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. The works will be on view through the month of February.
Sarah McRae Morton’s current exhibition, The Mountain Whale at Red Raven Art Company in Pennsylvania was reviewed in Lancaster Online. “Her canvases are filled with elements of history, imagination and romance, swirled together with a confidence reminiscent of the masters.” The exhibition will be on view through the end of February.
Sarah McRae Morton’s exhibition “Mapping Stars at Noon” was reviewed this week in The Seattle Times. Michael Upchurch writes, “Morton’s work is visionary, virtuosic and full of bewildering surprises. Her paintings are both rigorously composed and deliciously unhinged. The sheer energy she conveys on the canvas is a marvel.”
Sarah McRae Morton’s current show at Dowling Walsh, “The Impossible Sight of a Ship”, was well reviewed in the Portland Press Herald today.
“It is every bit as compelling as it is alarming.”
Sarah McRae Morton grew up in rural Lancaster County Pennsylvania, where she still keeps a hayloft studio above the horse stalls in her family’s barn. Sarah attended the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts and the University of Pennsylvania. She has studied chemical composition of paintings in Rome as well as studied with Odd Nerdrum in Norway. Sarah received a Mattisse Foundation fellowship for her work on the local history of West Virginia, and attended the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture. Her work has been exhibited across the country, including at the Vermont Studio Center. She currently lives and paints in Cologne, Germany.
“The past is not dead, it is not even past” – William Faulkner
Sarah McRae Morton’s paintings are invented portraits of her ancestors and historical figures – people from her own life, from books and paintings, and from her travels and stories learned. The events and people illustrated are not bound by time or fact, but are imbued with ghosts and artifacts from cross sections of history. Sarah’s work is wildly romantic, with an earthy palate and energetic movement around the canvas that quiets on key moments – detailed renderings of the face of a bear, the lips of a lover, the fox stole around a poet’s neck. The paintings seem to flicker to life with her spirited brush strokes.